Monday, June 25, 2012

Opening Day

It’s here, it’s here, it’s here! Welcome to the 2012 Season of Kindred Ground Farm’s Community Supported Agriculture! We are so happy to share our farm and harvests with you! While we are working in the fields we have plenty of time to reflect on our community. We are honored you have chosen to invest your hard earned dollars in Kindred Ground Farm. We are honored that as you prepare meals this summer and autumn much of your food will come from our hands and fields. We are honored to be in this community with you. There is much we cannot control in life, especially on a farm. We don’t have any say in how much sun, rain, or bugs there are in any season. We don’t have any power to control the temperature, humidity, or barometric pressures. We do however, have the power to control how much effort we put into planting, weeding, learning, and harvesting. Each day we work hard for you. We spend time learning new ways to be sustainable, new ways to grow crops with less interference from pests without using chemicals, new ways to harvest for maximum yields. We carefully select locations for each crop to take advantage of soil depth, sunlight, drainage, and nutrients of the soil. We learn from our mistakes and take pride in growing a bountiful harvest. We are excited to begin our weekly shares with you! As you pick up your vegetables and fruits this season, please ask questions. Please share your recipes. Please make suggestions. Please be a part of our community. Together we are growing our meals!

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