Thursday, June 28, 2012

Members Test Kitchen: Swiss Chard

We are excited that one of our members cooked the Sautéed Swiss Chard Ribs with Cream and Pasta this week! She reports that the raves from her kitchen were loud and enthusiastic! Her three year old described the Swiss chard as “spicy and a little sweet, and creamy too!” (The “spicy” may have been because he added hot sauce to his!)

She had a few suggestions to share with us as well. She made the gluten and dairy free version and said it was delicious. She said she will make it again, but this time will add sliced garlic scapes, a lot more Swiss chard, and probably one more veggie (might we suggest Kindred Ground Farm’s fresh green peas?). Additionally, it thickened as it sat on the stove, so she said to budget an extra 10 minutes into your prep time to let it thicken after you mix the pasta and cream.

And she shared a secret with us…she used the entire Swiss Chard leaf and ribs! Yummy!

What have you made with your share this week? Please send photos and stories to so we can tell everyone!

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