I am so thankful for the assistance and guidance that has been extended so far this season. I am So thankful every day!!!
So this has been an adjustment for me. And to all whom have planted, hoed, picked rocks, weeded, watered, tilled, raked, laid mulch, built raised beds, laid out the Pizza Garden, mowed, weed-whacked, pitched straw, hauled rocks, hauled mulch, planned and researched, etc. etc. etc.: My husband and 14 yr-old son, sixty-plus yr. old mom, my brother, sister-in-law, 4 yr-old niece, my neighbor's teenage daughter, a delightful young man from the high school, Mrs. G., my neighbor who brought over his big rototiller and tractor (and left the rototiller for me to use the rest of the season)...
...I humbly thank you.
Kindred Ground Farm truly is about people and the land.
So there will be lots to do the rest of the season - more of the above and now harvesting, washing, sorting, thinning beets! etc. will start. If you're of a mind to spend some time at the farm, your help is always welcome.
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