This season has been eventful here on the farm so far, to say the least! Unseasonably hot weather in April. Little rain in May. Lots of rain in June. Hot and cold temperatures changing almost by the hour. So it has been an odd Spring. All this leads to 'never a dull moment' in farming/gardening!
Our cool season crops are very confused about what they should be doing - wondering "why is it SO HOT???" when it's supposed to be cool. The peas plants are tall and leggy. The spinach is wanting to bolt and some has already. (Bolting is when it flowers/goes to seed.) Broccoli is slowly growing. (Did I mention slowly?) The good news is beets have taken off (and then some!), the lettuces are growing well, radishes are abundant, and herbs are happy. Lots of our summer veggies are doing their best to deal with all this rain, well over an inch of rain just yesterday again!
Here's some of what is planted so far: eggplants (standard and black beauty), carrots, white onions, yellow onions, red onions, leeks (several hundred!), tomatoes - several varieties over 60 plants, sweet banana peppers, bell peppers, yellow beans, green bush beans, green pole beans, horseradish, celery, radishes, beets, basil, summer savory, oregano, spearmint, rue, chives, watermelon, zucchini squash, summer squash, sun flowers, popcorn, Indian corn, a tad of sweet corn and a few raspberry bushes... that's off the top of my head. Whew! Oh, and potatoes. Lettuces. And peas. And red cabbage. And collard greens. Sheesh, and cucumbers!
More has to go in the ground - gotta get pumpkins and winter squashes planted. More herbs. Gourds. Peppers - want to try some of the hotter varieties, too. Saw some transplants the other day and think I will go back to pick them up! Does anyone like them?
I had planned to put cut flowers in and just haven't gotten to it yet as I have been focusing on the edibles. I am going to research and see what we can still get in the ground to be able to enjoy them this summer and fall. If anyone is a flower aficionado, please feel free to lend your advice!
Always feel free to share your ideas, knowledge, and recipes! Growing is a fairly new venture for me and though I am passionate about what you and I are doing here, there is certainly a learning curve!
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