Sunday, July 18, 2010
Week Five

Monday, July 12, 2010
From the Field!
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Week Four

Our tomatoes are getting bigger each week and will be ready soon. Next week your share will include green beans and yellow beans!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Monday, July 5, 2010
Weekly Share - Week Three

We hope you are enjoying your weekly shares. This week is going to be another great week for fresh vegetables. Your share this week includes red leaf lettuce, micro greens lettuce and slow bolt lettuce (do I hear you getting your salad bowl out of the cupboard?). You will also be dining on swiss chard, radishes, peas, beets (lots of beets!), spinach, chives, and lemon balm. We have fresh cut flowers this week too!
We look forward to seeing what delicious meals you create with your share!
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Happy Independence Day Shareholders!
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Weekly Share - Week Two
It was such a pleasure to meet our shareholders this past week during the first week of pickups! Parents - your children are welcome at the farm and to be in the field with you.
Here's what we're having for this week - it's similar to last week: Lettuce, peas, spinach, swiss chard, beet thinnings, parsley, oregano, chives, basil, lemon balm...
The beans are coming along - thought they might be ready soon, but nope. Drat. Some of the bean plants were taken out by a rototiller(!) a few weeks back and so more were replanted. The plants are looking healthy. Hope the deer don't think they look good, too! I'm sure there's lots of us looking forward to snacking on beans!
Wednesday pick-up shareholders: The Avon Farm Market starts this Wednesday so come on down to the Tops Plaza anytime from 3pm-6pm to pick up your share.
Monday pick-up shareholders: Next Monday is a holiday for many people and many probably have vacation plans. So...let me know if you will still be picking up next Monday, or if Wednesday at the Avon Farm Market or Thursday at the farm works better for you. If you're unable to pick up your share, you are welcome to have a family member or friend come in your place, too!
Feedback: Please know that I value your feedback and input. Did you like a particular variety of a vegetable or herb? Did it store well? How was the taste?, etc. Together we can enjoy this adventure :)
Happy Day and see you all this week :)

Friday, June 25, 2010
Recipes and Photos Needed
Kindred Ground Farm is all about the land and the people. The land provides the ingredients, but the people make the food. In that spirit we want to post shareholder recipes highlighting ingredients from our weekly shares. Do you make a simple delicious dish using your CSA ingredients? Do your friends rave about the complicated gourmet meals you make with the farm fresh ingredients? Are you not allowed to show up to a party without your famous CSA side? Do you stand in your kitchen appraising the weekly selection and then whip dinner up? Then we want you to share with us please!
Each week we want to feature one or more recipes on the Kindred Ground Farm blog! Please email your favorite recipes and pictures if you have them to kgf.blog@gmail.com so we can post them here.
We can’t wait to taste your food!
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Thank You!
So this has been an adjustment for me. And to all whom have planted, hoed, picked rocks, weeded, watered, tilled, raked, laid mulch, built raised beds, laid out the Pizza Garden, mowed, weed-whacked, pitched straw, hauled rocks, hauled mulch, planned and researched, etc. etc. etc.: My husband and 14 yr-old son, sixty-plus yr. old mom, my brother, sister-in-law, 4 yr-old niece, my neighbor's teenage daughter, a delightful young man from the high school, Mrs. G., my neighbor who brought over his big rototiller and tractor (and left the rototiller for me to use the rest of the season)...
...I humbly thank you.
Kindred Ground Farm truly is about people and the land.
So there will be lots to do the rest of the season - more of the above and now harvesting, washing, sorting, thinning beets! etc. will start. If you're of a mind to spend some time at the farm, your help is always welcome.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
First 2010 Pick Up
Thursday, June 17, 2010
The Farm is Starting to Bloom
Our cool season crops are very confused about what they should be doing - wondering "why is it SO HOT???" when it's supposed to be cool. The peas plants are tall and leggy. The spinach is wanting to bolt and some has already. (Bolting is when it flowers/goes to seed.) Broccoli is slowly growing. (Did I mention slowly?) The good news is beets have taken off (and then some!), the lettuces are growing well, radishes are abundant, and herbs are happy. Lots of our summer veggies are doing their best to deal with all this rain, well over an inch of rain just yesterday again!
Here's some of what is planted so far: eggplants (standard and black beauty), carrots, white onions, yellow onions, red onions, leeks (several hundred!), tomatoes - several varieties over 60 plants, sweet banana peppers, bell peppers, yellow beans, green bush beans, green pole beans, horseradish, celery, radishes, beets, basil, summer savory, oregano, spearmint, rue, chives, watermelon, zucchini squash, summer squash, sun flowers, popcorn, Indian corn, a tad of sweet corn and a few raspberry bushes... that's off the top of my head. Whew! Oh, and potatoes. Lettuces. And peas. And red cabbage. And collard greens. Sheesh, and cucumbers!
More has to go in the ground - gotta get pumpkins and winter squashes planted. More herbs. Gourds. Peppers - want to try some of the hotter varieties, too. Saw some transplants the other day and think I will go back to pick them up! Does anyone like them?
I had planned to put cut flowers in and just haven't gotten to it yet as I have been focusing on the edibles. I am going to research and see what we can still get in the ground to be able to enjoy them this summer and fall. If anyone is a flower aficionado, please feel free to lend your advice!
Always feel free to share your ideas, knowledge, and recipes! Growing is a fairly new venture for me and though I am passionate about what you and I are doing here, there is certainly a learning curve!