Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Green Beans for Thanksgiving

We love fresh green beans in the summer! 
We also love eating those fresh green beans in the winter! 
Thank you Jennifer and Cynthia for teaching us how to preserve our bounty!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Sneak Peek!

Oh how proud Rebecca Estelle would be:

!. What is your favorite pumpkin book?
2. What will you do with the pumpkins in your share this year?

Monday, August 13, 2012

Week Eight!

Welcome to Week Eight of our 2012 Season! The harvest is full and bountiful. We hope you are enjoying your weekly shares and are discovering many new flavors, textures, and recipes as you prepare your vegetables and herbs. Please be sure to send us your photos and recipes to share!

This week's newsletter is in your in boxes! We have some exciting changes happening around The Farm at Kindred Ground and look forward to your feedback!

Have a good week!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

The Barn at Kindred Ground

Our first event at The Barn at Kindred Ground was a success! We hosted a lovely wedding reception for a terrific couple tonight. We are so proud and very, very, very happy that The Barn at Kindred Ground is up and running!

Please consider us for your next event and tell your friends! Visit us at our new website: for more information. This site also links to our blog, so you just need one site now to access all of Kindred Ground's content!

Monday, August 6, 2012

Newsletter Time

Your weekly newsletter has hit the stands! Well, your inbox, that is. Read it and let us know what you think! Feel free to share it with your friends.

Have a good week!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Natural Air Freshener

A fresh scented car makes commuting or even zipping to the grocery store more enjoyable. However, often air fresheners contain chemicals or other additives that may not be as enjoyable for one’s lungs! We heard this great solution the other day and wanted to pass it along!

Next time you pick up your herb share from Kindred Ground Farm, save some of the leaves (basil works great, but so do any of our other herbs!) and place them in a brown paper bag with a few holes poked in. An envelope will work too. Place the bag or envelope on your dashboard to let the heat and sun dry the leaves. (Don’t drive with the envelope on the dashboard though please!) Check the leaves every couple of days until they are dried. (With this heat, they might be dry the next day!)

Gently shake the leaves onto a piece of cotton fabric or into a sachet bag. If you are using a piece of fabric, gather it up so it makes a “bag” and tie with ribbon. Place the sachet in your cup holder and voila a natural and lovely air freshener!


Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Party Beets

Are you a little hesitant about beets? Do they kind of overwhelm you? When you hear, “Beets!” do you think, “What do I do with beets?” Well, prepare for Susan’s recipe for beets. These are easy and so delicious she brought them to a party and they were gobbled up so quickly she didn't have time to take a photo!

Susan's Party Beets
1 lb. beets
4 oz. olive oil – I used my Primo Oliva Blood orange evoo
2 tbs. sea salt
Juice and zest of orange
Salad greens to serve on
4 oz. blue cheese to garnish
1.      In bowl, combine 1 tbs. of salt, 1 oz. evoo and beets, toss to coat. Layer on a foil lined roasting pan and roast in a preheated 275 degree oven until tender, about an hour for small to medium beets
2.      Slice into 1/4 inch slices and set aside.
3.      Combine remaining evoo with juice and zest and mix well.
4.      Layer beets on top of salad greens, drizzle with dressing, sprinkle remaining salt and top with blue cheese. I served it with additional dressing on the side.

Thank you Susan for the delicious recipe! We can't wait to try it!

Need more information on beets? Go back to read our introduction on beets from earlier in the season!
